Be a Better You [QMU]

You’re awesome. You have a unique combination of qualities, shortcomings, interests, predispositions, quirks, and all sorts of things that make you… well, you. And that’s what’s so awesome about you, is that you’re so, uniquely you.

What are some of the things that you really enjoy about who you are? Maybe you feel the most like you when you’re drawing, walking down the street, meditating, doing yoga, or heck, debating social issues. When are you the most you?

Let’s identify what makes us the best version of ourselves, and grow that.

Be a Better You.

Vincent Lock, play guitar, be a better you via Quick Me Ups.

If you feel like YOU when you play guitar, then PLAY GUITAR! Photo: Vincent Lock

“Make the most of yourself….for that is all there is of you.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

The rat race is called the rat race for a reason. We can get so caught up in our job + traffic + chores + family… that we lose our ability to stay present in the moment. We devolve into this anxious, hurried creature, continually trying to meet deadlines and arrive at certain locations at specified times. Zoom out a bit on a big city and we look like little hurried rats.

When we’re in this “rat mode” we’re most certainly not the best version of ourselves. We’re not conscious, we’re not quirky, we’re simply another one of the masses. While this may happen to many of us, it’s important to fight back so that we do not become this shell of ourselves.

“It’s a big theme in my life, learning about myself and being a better person. I’m a work in progress; I have revelations every day.” – Rick Rubin

What makes you unique?
If I tell you to be the best you, what does that mean?

Try to be that person this week.

That may mean different things for different people – maybe you need to make an effort to get to the gym twice this week, or take some time and write in your journal… or maybe it’s something as simple as waking up 20 mins. earlier in the morning to get your personal mojo going before the day’s challenges stack up.

Let’s invest in ourselves this week.  

Personally I’m going to make some time for music, for exercise, I’m going to continue to work on planning my next life step, and I’m going to make time to show my girlfriend how much I care about her. If I’m able to work on these four things, I’ll consider it a productive weekend of being a better me.

How about you?
What can you do to make a better you this week?

Becoming a better you = Doing what makes you happy + Making personal time.

I know especially for parents that finding personal time can be difficult. Maybe in that situation you feel like the best version of yourself is when you make time to play with your children. Could you make more time for that? Would that make you more you?

You can do it.
But what is it?
Feel free to share below!

Be a Better You.